Between Core and Periphery: The Archaeological investigation at al-Jumayil (Diocese of Madaba – Provincia Arabia) in the Byzantine Period - Université Bordeaux Montaigne
Between Core and Periphery: The Archaeological investigation at al-Jumayil (Diocese of Madaba – Provincia Arabia) in the Byzantine Period
Du 2 février 2023 au 2 février 2023
Mis à jour le 7 décembre 2022
Prof. Dr. Basema HAMARNEH, Institut für Klassische Archäologie, Universität Wien (Autriche)
The presentation will focus on the preliminary results of the archaeological investigation at the site of al-Jumayil (2019-2022), in modern Jordan. The village, which lies in the periphery of the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Diocese of Madaba, in the immediate suburb of castrum Mefaa (Umm er-Rasas), features a compact habitat dated to Late Antiquity. It also shows fairly-well preserved remains of an ancient agricultural landscape, spreading over a surface area of one hectare. The intention is to address the anthropogenic changing landscape, including the most prominent features of the built environment, material culture, land use, water resources, and economic network. The discussion will also offer comparative material from other settlements in the same Dioceses which may bridge the discussion on continuity and change during the Byzantine and Islamic periods.