In the Bordeaux metropolitan area, tram, bus and bike-sharing services are provided by the TBM network (Transports Bordeaux Métropole). On their website and mobile app, you can find real-time timetables, a personalised route planner, traffic information and maps of the areas connected by TBM.
You can find all relevant information on fares and subscriptions ont the TBM's online shop.
How to get to Bordeaux Montaigne University
Bordeaux Montaigne University is located on the Pessac-Talence-Gradignan campus (6 km from Bordeaux city center).
You can get to the university:
By tramway: the B line runs from 5am to midnight on weekdays (and up to 1am on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays), with trams running every 10 minutes on average. The university is located right next to the "Montaigne-Montesquieu" tram stop.
By bus: you can get from the train station to Bordeaux Montaigne University on lines 31 and 35. The night line, TBNight, also serves the campus (Talence, Pessac and Gradignan) on Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 1.30am to 6.30am. 5 intercity bus routes serve the Talence campus: lines 406, 502, 503, 504 and 505. Bus line 602 (Hôpital Pellegrin - Pieces de Choisy) stops at Bordeaux Montaigne campus (Unitec).
By bike: the TBM network provides more than 2,000 self-service bikes, including 1,000 electric ones. From September 2023, you can also access their "vélo'c" bike loan, hire and parking service.
At Étu’Recup’s « Maison du vélo », you can buy refurbished bikes at very reasonable prices. The association also offers bike repair workshops, where volunteers and technicians are on hand to help all participants with their diagnostics and repairs. There, you can also find low-cost second-hand parts.