The University Bordeaux Montaigne manages projects related to cooperation, mobility and management of fundings allocated toits partnership, thus developping the internationalization of Education and Research. Tehe International Relations team answers every years calls from the Erasmus + programme or from partner countries ambassies.
Principles of the 2014/2020 Erasmus + Charter
Bordeaux Montaigne University, drawing on its acquired experience in mobility and exchange during the two previous Erasmus programs, is in position to respect the advocated engagements of the European Commission:
The continuation or creation of bilateral agreements has several positive effects, such as: an enriched and better structured educational offer, with vocational goal; new teaching and knowledge validation methods (apprenticeship, e-formation) adapted to the evolution of our society; the increase in learners and staff mobility; the opening to international degrees diversifying the study and research paths; the backing of laboratories for the teaching-research adequacy; the mutualization of knowledge and educational methods. The online consultation of destinations in Europe and outside Europe enables to find a possibility of mobility as well as the program coordinator.
Students affected by Erasmus+ are under the responsibility of their program coordinator for the duration of the exchange mobility, in accordance with the existing regulations of the institution.
The criteria of selection will be delivered to the students during preliminary meetings for their application, as well as during meetings with the Direction des Relations Internationales. Those criteria of selection will be put forward as part of every call for application in the interests of equity, and access to Erasmus+ will be dependent on a number of conditions: motivation, academic attendance, linguistic knowledge, previous participation in an Erasmus + mobility activity, etc.
The institution ensures the acknowledgment of the credits system since its official implementation in 2005.
The transfer of credits as part of an international mobility is organized on the template of Erasmus:
Returning from mobility, the validation of the latter will be done according to the results obtained by the student. The teachers convert the transcript of record according to the European reference chart. The module is eventually credited with a grade and the ECTS, depending on the model for the selected diploma habilitation.
L'UE est créditée d'une note et des ECTS prévus dans la maquette d'habilitation des diplômes.
The diploma supplement is a document standardized at the European level crafted by the European Commission, the Council of Europe and UNESCO. It is a document associated with a higher education diploma aiming to facilitate transparency and international readability of the provisioned information, and to facilitate the academic and professional acknowledgment of qualifications. The precise description of the university curriculum and acquired skills during the study term provides the students easier with an access to job offers, the pursuit of opportunity to pursue their studies abroad or travel to France. The diploma supplement improves employability and encourages the mobility of users looking for a fair recognition of their qualifications.
The rates are precised in the web pages related to the financial aid for outgoing mobility for students, teachers or staff.
All information concerning financial aid for mobility activities (ERASMUS+, Conseil Régional Nouvelle-Aquitaine, AMI) are available on the AQUIMOB portal.
It is presented on the website and available to every student, staff and foreign partners.
Erasmus + aims to promote equity and inclusion by facilitating access to people with disabilities. Incoming and outgoing students with disabilities can be presented with a personalized follow-up service in the management of their file or daily activities, by going to the Pôle Handicap (Disabilities Pole) of the institution. If a disabled student wants to take part in a mobility activity, the preparation of this specific instance is the object of a concertation between the Direction des Relations Internationales, the Pole Handicap, the referent teacher, the co-signor of the agreement and the dedicated institutional partners, prior to the departure.
Institutional Coordinator: Kim Sang ONG-VAN-CUNG, Deputy President for International Relations
Erasmus + Program Manager: Irina SIMION, Director of the International Relation office (DRI)