Cooperation Actions - Bordeaux Montaigne University v1.2

Cooperation Actions

International Cooperation

Internationalizing higher education and research institutions is among the priorities of the French Ministry for Higher Education and Research (Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation). This is achieved in part through the work done by the Cooperation Team within the International Relations Office.

Bordeaux Montaigne University's international activity relies on numerous partnerships in the European Union and in regions outside of Europe, through 500 cooperation agreements signed with 350 institutions in more than 73 countries.

The university's internationalization is also the result of a collaboration implemented with the research professors who coordinate mobility.

International Cooperation Projects

The International Relation Office (Direction des Relations Internationales) provides support for all international projects, including by:

  • Providing assistance in the setting up of international projects (researching specific partners, helping with the drafting of the project and drawing up the budget, monitoring funding, etc.)
  • Monitoring funded international projects
  • Publishing calls for tender (scholarship programs, visiting scholar positions, provision of specific funding, etc.)


International Cooperation Agreements

Any international activity at the Bordeaux Montaigne University first has to go through the signature of one or more cooperation agreements in order to:

  • Receive and send students, teachers-researchers and administrative staff in mobility activities abroad;
  • Foster participation in international cooperation projects;
  • Strengthen links with territories where partner institutions are located

To better locate or identify a framework or specific existing agreement, visit the International Cooperation database (FR) of the establishment.

To set up cooperation agreements with a new institution abroad, contact the International Cooperation team (cooperation-internationale @

Templates of framework and specific agreements (mobility for student/teacher) are available in multiple languages: French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Russian, Chinese and Japanese.

Please note that every agreement is required in French as well.

contact: cooperation-internationale @
