Since September 2014, Bordeaux Montaigne University has been delocalizing its degree in Information and Communication to the University of Lomé. For the time being, it is the main cooperation action that keeps alive the partnership agreement signed in 1989 between the two universities and renewed several times thereafter.
The main objective of this training that the ISIC department offers is to enable ISICA students who so wish to benefit from a double course at the end of which they will obtain, in addition to the degree from the University of Lomé, the degree from Bordeaux Montaigne University. The delocalized licence gives them access to the resources of Bordeaux Montaigne University, makes them members of the community of this university and grants them a French diploma. But the delocalized bachelor's degree opens the door more broadly to a process that can lead students engaged in this course to pursue studies in master's and doctorate degrees in communication.
On the basis of an overall compatibility between ISIC's and ISICA's training offer, a correlation table of courses is established. The teaching is therefore largely made up of the courses provided by the ISICA teaching team, and the validation of these courses by the student enrolled in a double course in Bordeaux Montaigne automatically leads to the validation of the teaching equivalent to ISIC. The rest of the training content is offered in a complementary system to provide, in person or remotely, the contents of the ISIC Information and Communication Licence missing from that is missing from the Lomé training offer.
To foster a sense of belonging to Bordeaux Montaigne among students in Lomé and integrate them into the ISIC community, an educational project is being developed jointly, managed by Togolese students and a group of L3 ISICs. In 2018-2019, the aim was to produce a video presenting the universities of Bordeaux Montaigne and Lomé as well as ISIC and ISICA within their geographical and cultural environments. This two-volume video was broadcast in Lomé during the annual delocalized graduation ceremony, which saw the enthusiastic participation of all ISICA students and ISIC one week later at an event that brought together ISIC students, UFR STC staff and the authorities of Bordeaux Montaigne University.
Each year, the degree welcomes about ten students. A 2019 review reports 25 graduates. Of which, five are in Master's degree programs in Lomé and eight in France, including six in Bordeaux Montaigne (ISIC). As the Lomé degree is professional, the other graduates are already on the job market.