Each institution structures its research through a multi-annual commitment with its partners and the scientific community and our research units fall in line with this scientific policy..
By so doing, or strategy is clear and the aim is to make this known, and to gain recognition and financing.
Within the framework of its multiannual contract 2022 - 2027, University Bordeaux Montaigne, with its research units, has restructured its scientific panorama.
Illustration of research at University Bordeaux Montaigne
To begin with, at the beginning of this contract, and to demonstrate the richness, the diversity of competences and the interdisciplinarity of the research carried out in Arts, Letters, Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences, the University presents a representative illustration of this wealth below.
In the first part, we present identity cards for each of the research units
The first part consists of the "identity cards " of each of the Research Units certified by University Bordeaux Montaigne because they are the basic operational structures of reference for research. There are 16 of these reference structures: 9 Research Units (RU), 6 Joint Research Units (JRU), 1 Support and Research Unit (SRU), and the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme de Bordeaux.
For convenience, the Research Units are grouped, according to the 3 scientific themes to which they are closest:
The second part presents a transversal overview detailing the richness and diversity of this research.
It describes how research is structured around innovative cross-disciplinary projects, the people who drive them to excellence, and how research is promoted through publications, technology transfer units and international collaborations.
Director : Raphaël ESTEVE
Key words : Hispanic and Lusophone Worlds - Lusophone Africa - Spain - Latin America - Portugal
Within University Bordeaux Montaigne, the AMERIBER research unit (UR 3656) brings together, teacher-researchers working mainly on Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking areas (and occasionally on their Mediterranean and/or American neighbors) as well as on the cultures and the civilization of which they are the fruit.
AMERIBER has by definition, and in fact, a strong international presence. It has agreements with several European and American universities. It maintains close relations with artistic institutions in many countries in the areas mentioned. Collaborations with Spain and Latin America and even Portuguese-speaking Africa are part of networked programs and lead to the organisation of Franco-Spanish/Portuguese and Franco-Latin American events.
Director : Christelle LAHAYE
Deputy Director : Christian GENSBEITEL
Key words : Materials, raw materials, environment – Time, chronology, dating – Images, representations, 3D digital imaging – Societies, settlement, techniques and creation
The research carried out in the Archaeosciences Bordeaux laboratory (https://www.archeosciences-bordeaux.fr) is at the interface of the Human and Social Sciences and the physical, chemical and natural sciences. The research focuses on the chronology of human settlements, the circulation of materials and ancient techniques, and imaging applied to heritage. The specificity of the approach is based on an approach that is multidisciplinary, multiscalar (from the atom to the monumental building and even to the territory) and diachronic (from the Lower Palaeolithic to the present day).
More specifically, it aims to shed light on debates relating to major archaeological issues: emergence of societies and structures, exchanges, human-environment interaction, human mobility and migrations, but also on symbolic, cultural and artistic expressions, development and dissemination of techniques, notion of innovation, etc. The Archeovision platform (https://archeovision.cnrs.fr) is part of this unit. A forerunner in the field of 3D technologies applied to heritage and archaeology, it carries out expert appraisals and supports 3D project leaders, but also produces films, interactive interfaces, as well as virtual or augmented reality experiences for heritage enhancement and scientific mediation.
Director : Pierre SAUVANET
The scientific orientation of ARTES is the production of art in general and of the different arts in particular.
Research within an artistic discipline is built first of all on the knowledge and questioning of its specificities.
As one of the strong characteristics of ARTES is that it brings together specialists from all artistic disciplines, the truly transdisciplinary aspect of the research must be continuously developed. In our view, each of the four poles (History, Culture, Theory, Practice) must also be able to promote interartistic actions as a matter of principle: the different historical, cultural, theoretical and practical approaches are precisely there to decompartmentalize the artistic disciplines.
This new "arts laboratory" at University Bordeaux Montaigne thus intends to rest on two pillars, four poles and six scientific axes.
Director : Olivier DEVILLERS
Deputy Director : Sandrine LAVAUD
Key words : Archaeology - History - Language - Literature - Protohistory - Antiquity - Middle Ages - Epigraphy
Dedicated to the study of spaces, societies and cultures from European Protohistory to the end of the Middle Ages, Ausonius brought together archaeologists, historians, art historians, and Hellenistic and Latin philologists very early on.
Today, it is considered a reference laboratory in these disciplines, both in France and abroad.
The scientific strategy of the UMR Ausonius aims at several priorities: the reinforcement of the international dimension, the extension to new disciplines and the consolidation of interdisciplinarity, the development of digital technology, the dissemination of knowledge, and the attention paid to heritage.
Co-Directors : Philippe CHASSAIGNE and Géraud POUMAREDE
Key words :
History of the modern and contemporary worlds
Political history - Social history - Economic history - International history
Education, cultures and religions - Material cultures - Urban and rural societies
Innovation, Environment and Food
Created in 2006, the CEMMC is a Research Unit well rooted in the scientific landscape of University Bordeaux Montaigne. It brings modernist and contemporary historians together in the same team, while also welcoming researchers from other disciplines, mainly geographers and civilization specialists.
The CEMMC has a total of 15 professors and lecturers qualified to direct research, 18 senior lecturers, and welcomes 51 registered doctoral students.
Its organisation is based on thematic research axes that are likely to evolve from one contract to the next; for the five-year period 2022-2026, there are three of them, plus a transversal axis.
Research at the CEMMC links the local, regional and international levels: local, with numerous works on Bordeaux and the Gironde from the 16th century to the present day; regional, with several projects supported by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region; international, with research on the medio- and east-European, Mediterranean, Ibero-American and Anglophone areas.
Its internationalisation strategy is also reflected in the number of Hubert-Curien Partnerships obtained by its members with Central and Eastern Europe, but also with Mauritius, as well as in the numerous invitations to foreign researchers to lead seminars, workshops and study days.
Director : Pascale ANTOLIN
Deputy Director : Béatrice LAURENT
Key words :
Literature - Civilization - Translation - Linguistics - Visual arts
United States - Canada - United Kingdom - Commonwealth - Australia - New Zealand - Caribbean - India
The members of the CLIMAS (Cultures and Literatures of the English-speaking Worlds) research unit represent all the fields of English-speaking studies (literature, civilization, translation and translatology, linguistics, visual arts) and are interested in all the geographical areas: the United States and Great Britain, but also Canada, the British Commonwealth, Australia, New Zealand, the Caribbean, India, etc., which make up the English-speaking world.
They work to initiate joint projects centred on the literature, civilization or visual arts of English-speaking countries, highlighting both the diversity or singularity of these areas and the points at which they meet.
Co-directors : Mariella CAUSA and Mélanie PETIT
Key words : Cognition - Cognitive sciences - Languages - Education - Psychology - Computer science - Philosophy - Neuroscience
The CLLE laboratory (Cognition, Languages, Language, Ergonomics) is a CNRS UMR created in January 2007 and mainly hosted at the University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès with a branch at University Bordeaux Montaigne (CLLE Montaigne team).
The laboratory is part of the Institute of Human and Social Sciences of the CNRS and is mainly attached to section 34 of the CNRS (Language Sciences) and secondarily to section 26 of the CNRS (Cognition, Brain, Behaviour) of the Institute of Biological Sciences of the CNRS. CLLE is therefore a multidisciplinary research unit in the field of Cognitive Sciences: the work carried out covers the fields of linguistics, psychology, computer science, philosophy, education and neuroscience.
At the Bordeaux Montaigne site, research work is mainly in linguistics, with some expertise in computer science, philosophy, cognitive psychology and the didactics of FLE (French as a Foreign Language) and languages.
Co-Directors : Rémi CASTETS and David WATERMAN
Key words :
Asia - (Geo)politics - History - Migrations - Circulation of ideas - Society
Culture (material) - Literature - Visual arts - Heritage - Didactics - Linguistics
University Bordeaux Montaigne and La Rochelle University are the main teaching and research centers for Asia Pacific and South Asia in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region.
The Asian Dynamics, Interactions, Interculturality team was created in 2019 with the status of a project team in order to encourage the emergence of scientific projects common to both supervisory bodies in the field of Human and Social Sciences (SHS). It mainly brings together researchers from the South-West within three transdisciplinary and trans-area research axes analyzing the dynamics and interactions related to Asia. Asia is understood in the broad sense of the continent, excluding the Near and Middle East.
The collective dynamics and the scientific projects developed since 2019 led to the transformation of D2IA into a Joint University Research Unit (UMRU 24140) on 1 January 2022.
As a new unit in the Aquitaine scientific ecosystem, D2IA has participated in the development of international networks and consortia based on some of its research areas. It is a member of the Asia Scientific Interest Group (GIS).
Director : Laurent HOUSSAIS
Key words :
Architecture - Decorative arts - Colonial arts and cultures - University heritage
Teaching - Historiography - Iconography
Painting - Sculpture - Tapestry - Urbanism
Founded at the end of the 1990s, the Centre de recherches en histoire de l'art - F.-G. Pariset brings together researchers in art history.
Its field of study covers all the major fields of activity associated with this discipline, from the Renaissance to the present day. Its aim is to study heritage and a multitude of objects in terms of their status, production processes, uses, meanings and reception, in a multidisciplinary dynamic as well as in relation to historical and critical reflection on the history of art, an essential element of its specificity. Although art history is the subject of a dedicated research area, this dynamic permeates the four structuring axes of the unit.
The work carried out within the unit is developed on a regional, national and international scale, involving various institutional partners at these three levels.
Director : Urtzi ETXEBERRIA
Key words :
Theoretical linguistics - Experimental linguistics - Field linguistics
Historical linguistics - Basque language - Basque literature - Basque texts
The Research Centre on Basque Language and Texts (IKER) is a joint research unit (UMR) under the supervision of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), University Bordeaux Montaigne (UBM) and the University of Pau and the Pays de l'Adour (UPPA). The centre is located in Bayonne, on the campus of La Nive (UPPA), and is the only structure specializing in Basque studies in France.
The laboratory brings together Basque language specialists, researchers from the CNRS and teacher-researchers from UBM and UPPA. The unit, which succeeded a URA (Bordeaux 3), was established in its current form in 1999, at the initiative of the CNRS, in order to group together and give visibility to Basque studies in France.
Today, it is a key partner for the structures interested and involved in this field at international level.
Director : David AMBROSETTI
Deputy Director : Marième N'DIAYE
Key words :
Politics - Society - Africa - Mutations
Interdisciplinarity - Comparatism - Middle East - Caribbean
LAM is a multidisciplinary and comparative centre for the analysis of politics in Africa and the transoceanic spaces shaped by the societies that emerged from the slave trade.
It is not a "cultural area" centre, which postulates a primordial specificity of these areas. On the contrary, the aim is to be part of the major scientific debates and to test general and generalizable hypotheses and concepts, through comparatism, based on Africa, understood as sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and, by extension, the Middle East, and the transatlantic worlds resulting from the African slave trade, including more specifically the Caribbean.
With its comparative and multidisciplinary anchorage, it is working towards the creation of a common platform in the Aquitaine region for the comparative interpretation of changes in Africa and the South in partnership with other universities, local authorities and public and private scientific actors in Europe and Africa.
Co-Directors : Cécile CROCE and Vincent LIQUETE
Key words :
Mediation - Information - Communication - Arts
Media - Society - Culture - Digital - Image - Design
The scientific objective of the MICA research laboratory is to produce analyses that will shed light on the transformations of contemporary societies and organisations, based on changes in modes of mediation, taking into account two phenomena in particular:
1) An increase in interdependence between societies and cultures, linked to population movements and the development of trade and market flows, but also to the visibility and ubiquity made possible by the development of communication and information networks and flows, and the global distribution of "knowledge and information-based" products.
2) The development of digital practices, particularly in networks, which produce new possibilities for approaching otherness and identities, as well as reality and the imaginary, and which allow new tools, services or products to be designed, constructing new social temporalities or modifying the experience of the world and the meaning given to interactions.
Co-directors : Véronique ANDRÉ-LAMAT (ref. UBM), Laurence CHEVALIER, Bénédicte MICHALON, Sandrine VAUCELLE (ref. UBM)
Key words :
Geography - Urban planning - Anthropology
Architecture and history of architecture - Environmental and landscape sciences
The UMR Passages is a laboratory of human and social sciences (SHS) whose scientific project is centred on the reconfigurations of spatialities and global changes in their dialectical relationship. Understanding space through spatialities means looking at the actors and the intentional, symbolic, identity-related and/or political constructions through which they shape the world in which we live. The scientific project is discussed in 8 cross-disciplinary workshops and collectively in the UMR Seminar.
The laboratory is located in five places: the Maison des Suds in Pessac, the ENSAP Bordeaux in Talence, the IUT Bordeaux Montaigne, the UB Victoire campus in Bordeaux and the ARI Institute in Bayonne. The cohesion of the members of Passages is built around the central place they give to space and territories in the questions they ask and in the objects they study. They share a common practice of involved research and construction of their research objects in relation with local actors, whether the research is conducted in the South-West, in France or abroad, and whether these actors are institutionally recognized or not.
Co-directors : Florence BOULERIE and Jean-Paul ENGÉLIBERT
Key words :
French, Francophone and Comparative Literature
Languages, literatures and civilizations: German, Arabic, Chinese, Slavic area, Occitan
Created on 1 January 2022, the PLURIELLES Research Unit (UR24142) brings together researchers from the former CLARE and TELEM teams around five major cross-disciplinary themes that federate interdisciplinary work.
The diversity of its members' disciplinary fields is reflected in ten internal teams, which correspond to CNU sections or methodological orientations.
In 2022, it will have 68 full members, 11 emeritus professors, 85 doctoral students and about a hundred associates, PhDs or graduates from French and foreign universities.
Director : Kim Sang ONG-VAN-CUNG
Deputy Director : Pascal DURIS
Key words :
Philosophy and Humanities - Enlightenment - Epistemology - Science and Society - Nature and Norms
Politics and historicity - Environment - Philosophy of education
Mediation of sciences - Communications and society
UR 4574 "Sciences, Philosophy, Humanities" (SPH) was created on 1 January 2011. It is co-accredited by University Bordeaux Montaigne (UBM) and the University of Bordeaux (UB).
Bringing together some thirty teacher-researchers, including 15 HDRs and 1 IUF, and some forty doctoral students, it is attached to the Humanities UFR of University Bordeaux Montaigne, as well as to the Biology UF and the CHANGES Department (Social Sciences of Contemporary Change) of the University of Bordeaux.
The specificity of the UR is to give free rein to fundamental research and also to combine the methods of history (history of philosophy, sciences, ideas and forms), contemporary philosophy (phenomenology, analytical philosophy, aesthetics, practical philosophy) and transdisciplinary approaches with collaborations with the "hard" sciences or with other disciplines of the humanities (anthropology, economics, law, sociology, psychoanalysis, literature...) to address the issues of the modern and contemporary world.
Director : Sandro Landi
Secretary General : Dominique PACOT
Located in the heart of the university estate, the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (MSH) of Bordeaux is a Support and Research Unit, under the joint supervision of University Bordeaux Montaigne, the University of Bordeaux and the CNRS. It initiates interdisciplinary research in the humanities, languages and social sciences, and supports researchers and teacher-researchers from its associated laboratories throughout the design, implementation and dissemination stages of their scientific projects.
As a research unit, the MSH of Bordeaux makes it possible to: