Publishing at University Bordeaux Montaigne has a long tradition. For many years, University Bordeaux Montaigne has accompanied its development and invested means and resources to promote it in order to enhance the results of its research units.
In recent years, publishing in the humanities and social sciences has undergone a profound transformation. Based on its scientific policy, our institution has embarked on a coordinated and reasoned publication policy, conducted with respect for scientific freedom and aiming to increase the visibility and accessibility of the university's output.
For more than 40 years, University Bordeaux Montaigne has been committed to this policy through four publishing houses: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, Ausonius Éditions, Éditions de la MSHA and Carrières sociales Editions. Each of these publishers has a strong identity and a rich catalogue of high-level scientific publications, as well as scholarly works aimed at a wide audience.
Furthermore, University Bordeaux Montaigne is also committed to a diversified and open publishing offer and since 2020 has offered a service platform for the creation of enriched digital books with immediate free access, UN@ Éditions. This platform, a partnership project with Aquitaine universities, offers its services to all university presses in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region.
Finally, the university supports some twenty journals, some of which are a hundred years old, in all the disciplines taught and researched: languages and civilizations, history and archaeology, human and physical geography, information and communication sciences, arts and design, etc.
University Bordeaux Montaigne is developing a very dynamic policy of dissemination and in 2022 is supporting more than twenty journals in which, in various capacities, research units, groups of researchers or individual researchers are involved. University Bordeaux Montaigne maintains the same policy of supporting bibliodiversity, to respect the community's commitments to open science, and to open access digital distribution. However, it considers it essential to maintain a balance between the different distribution methods such as paper and digital, and between emerging journals and heritage journals. Three of them have been in existence for almost 150 years, while others have been created more recently. Twelve journals are less than 20 years old.
Most research themes are represented: languages and civilizations, literature and history, environment and geography, gender and media... Each issue is an invitation to discover the diversity of the thought and research carried out at University Bordeaux Montaigne.
Each of these journals is an invitation to this multiform, multicultural and intercultural discovery. They contribute to the influence of the research carried out in our institution and help to disseminate knowledge and know-how in the academic world and in civil society.
More than a dozen of these journals are fully open access and accessible in digital format in accordance with the Open Science policy of University Bordeaux Montaigne.