Faithful to the humanist ideal of Montaigne, the Doctoral School Montaigne – Humanities simultaneously shares knowledge and offers a reflection as well as a culture, open rather than closed, not strictly utilitarian, receptive to the international dimension of research and to a profound comprehension of beings, facts, languages and civilizations.
The doctoral handbook proposes rich and diversified scientific and professional training. Participating in the Research Horizons and lectures given by visiting professors, doctoral students may meet experienced researchers, from varied horizons, and confront methodologies and theoretical proposals likely to confirm, or upset, their positions. The Doctoral School seeks to valorize the scientific quality of the research teams at Bordeaux 3, through Interdisciplinary Doctoral Seminars and Research Team Seminars, and to encourage doctoral students to actively participate in both seminars. The objective is to increase the fluidity between disciplines, in order to elaborate a broad formative base in Letters, Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences, a key factor in professional insertion. The goal is also, through a shared policy of participatory speaking and discussion, notably in the Reading Workshops, Round Table Discussions of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Group (GID), to foster the emergence of the critical spirit necessary in the construction of any research project in the Humanities.
The Doctoral School “Montaigne – Humanities” is also the place where the projects of young researchers are realized and where their skills are valorized. Mobility assistance is an essential aspect of the international scope of the Doctoral School: the fieldwork in most of our theses requires at least one trip abroad and it is often via this enriching experience that doctoral students can seize new intellectual and professional opportunities. For all doctoral students, the completion of a thesis is a total experience which synthesizes a number of important scientific activities (writing articles, participation in symposiums), training (in languages, in computer skills), and pedagogy.
The Doctoral School “Montaigne – Humanities” is planning the implementation of a system of valorization of competencies for the doctoral students, whose goal is to constitute an asset in addition to the thesis, indispensable today for entry into the professional world.
The Doctoral School “Montaigne – Humanities” is, finally, both the laboratory and window into the research of the University Michel de Montaigne. The implementation of the on-line review Essais aims to offer young researchers the opportunity to publish in a space which fosters the interdisciplinary testing of various objects.
Monday : 9am-11am and 2pm-4pm
Tuesday : 2pm-4pm
Wednesday : 9am-11am and 2pm-4pm
Thursday : 9am-11am and 2pm-4pm
Friday : 9am-11am