The International Credits Mobility (ICM) is the KA 107 Action form the Erasmus + Agency. This program allows mobilities between countries in the Erasmus + Program and partner countries.
The project aims at fostering incoming and outgoing mobility, to support the internationalization of higher education. The MIC project also aims at putting forward the wealth and attractivity of European higher education, while promoting cooperation with partner countries in accordance to Europe’s foreign policy.
The KA 107 Action is to lead to the realization of a cooperation and mobility project consistent with the international strategy if the partner institutions.
Different Mobilities
There are three different kinds of Mobility activities:
Bordeaux Montaigne will provide the selected individuals with a financial package containing travel and accommodation contributions.
The Travel fees are calculated in relation with the kilometrical distance between their home city and the place of destination.
Distance |
Fees |
Between 100 and 499 km |
180,00 € / participant |
Between 500 and 1 999 km |
275,00 € / participant |
Between 2 000 and 2 999 km |
360,00 € / participant |
Between 3 000 and 3 999 km |
530,00 € / participant |
Between 4 000 and 7 999 km |
820,00 € / participant |
8 000 km or more |
1 100,00 € /participant |
Distance Calculator:
The accomodation fees are calculated according to the kind of mobility activity and the duration of the stay.
Type of Mobility |
Towards the program’s partner countries |
Towards France – Université Bordeaux Montaigne
Studies and internship Mobility |
Accomodation fees: 700 €/month
Accomodation fees: 850 €/month |
Teaching Mobility (8 hours/week) |
Accomodation fees: 180 €/day (*) |
Accomodation fees: 160 €/day (*)
Training Mobility (5 days) |
Accomodation fees: 180 €/day (*)
Accomodation fees: 160 €/day (*) |
(*) Until the 14th day included, then 70% of the amount until the 60th day.
How to participate?
Teachers and administrative staff
After the two Universities agreed, the teachers or administrative staff from partner universities wishing to do a mobility activity as part of KA 107 to Bordeaux Montaigne University will have to fill in their application on our portal.
Teachers and administrative staff from the Bordeaux Montaigne University wishing to go to one of the partner universities can find the application procedure here.
From the 24th to the 28th of April, 2017, we had the pleasure of welcoming Mr. Ledian HASA for a training mobility within the Direction des Relations Internationals (DRI) of the University, as part of the Erasmus + project for International Credits Mobility. Mr. HASA worked in the International Relations Office of Tirana (Albania) where he is responsible for the management of international agreements, student, staff and teacher mobility.
He delivered his impressions on mobility:
“My mobility trip in Bordeaux Montaigne University, within the Direction des Relations Internationales (DRI), was a major boon. This will help me tremendously for my work at Tirana University. During my stay, I had the occasion to see the DRI’s organization and management of student and administrative mobility as part of the Erasmus + program. Managing the mobilities from both sides, incoming and outgoing, is a very good idea. We will try to put it in place in Tirana University.
It was also very pleasant to meet different colleagues from the university. They were all charming, welcoming, nice and obliging. They always took the time to answer my questions.
As for the city of Bordeaux, I find it lovely, calming and full of all different kinds of architecture, where every building has its own story.”
For the students wishing to come study in Bordeaux Montaigne University the procedure is available here.
Dorothée POIRIER, a third year PhD student in Archeological Science in Bordeaux Montaigne University, has spent the second semester 2016-2017 in the University of Niš (Serbia).
Here is her testimony:
“Since 2012, I have regularly travelled to Serbia for my research, but also to participate in international archeological excavations. It is no coincidence that I chose this destination. As soon as I could, I decided to apply for a semester of study in the History department of the Philosophy Faculty of Niš, in the south-east of the country. Mainly working on the antique period of the central Balkans, I had the opportunity to re-discover the History of a region generally put off to the side in our education system.
Thanks to this program, I met a lot of people and participated in several academic and cultural events. From my arrival, I met other young French students and we were invited by the French Institute of Niš, Marion Viau, who is now a genuine friend.
I also had the chance to meet, during the Francophonie month, Madam the Ambassador of France and Mister Honorary Consul. During an intervention to the European Union bureau, I discussed the Erasmus program and the Franco-Serbian scientific collaboration. Serbia is a multifaceted country, enriched by its culture and people. Although it is not under the coconut trees, I recommend this original destination. This semester is and will stay a magnificent experience in my curriculum!”