Organize your stay - Bordeaux Montaigne University v1.2

Organize your stay

Learning agreement

Choose your courses (note that some courses have limited capacity):
- UFR Humanités: bachelor or master programmes
- UFR Langues et Civilisationsbachelor or master programmes
- UFR Sciences des Territoires et de la Communication: bachelor or master programmes

One Unit of Education (UE) is often divided into ECUEs. Those ECUE may be lectures, training courses or seminars.

Exchange students must choose courses in accordance to their learning agreement (ERASMUS+) or to the expectations of their home university (bilateral agreements outside of Europe, Quebec excluded), from the course catalogue only in the Licence (Bachelor) and/or Master degrees.

Classes are mostly taught in French. You can download here the list of classes taught in foreign language (English, Spanish and Portuguese).

At least 50% of classes listed in your learning agreement, defined in accordance with your supervising teacher, should match the area of study agreed upon in the agreement signed by both institutions.

Depending on your institution and area of study, you can find the name of your coordinator here:

They will be your pedagogical referent throughout your stay. Feel free to contact them for all questions related to your choice of classes.

You must schedule an appointment with your coordinator as soon as classes start in order to validate your learning agreement.

Please note: You will need to upload your learning agreement on the Online Learning Agreement platform. If your university is not connected to the platform, you will need to send your learning agreement directly to your coordinator (see list hereinabove) specifying: your full name, home university, level of study, period of mobility. Please add incomingstudents @ in copy of your email. The deadlines for the signature of the learning agreement is decided by your home university.

The total number of ECTS credits that you need to earn during your mobility is set by your home university. Be careful, research work, Master's thesis and doctoral research "internships” do not provide ECTS credit.

Evaluation and gradation

You will be evaluated during the whole semester by every teacher who will have defined the evaluations modality at the start of the first class. There won’t be a need to participate to the final exams of the semester (January, April or June).

Conversion table:




Grade ECTS




18 - 20

Highly Honorable with Praise


Relatively rare



16 - 17.99

Very Good - Highest Honors




14 - 15.99

Good - High Honors




12 - 13.99

Quite Good - Honors




10 - 11.99





8 - 9.99



Passable as long as the overall average of grades remains above 10




0 - 7.99




The French university grading system is based on grades from 0 to 20
A grade between 10 and 20 means passing and the student will earn the corresponding ECTS Credits.
A grade below 10 means failing.
Please note: A grade of 16 or above is generally very difficult to obtain.
"ABI" or "Absent" means that the student did not sit the exam, and therefore will not earn any ECTS Credits.
"Assidu(e)" means the student did not sit the exam but participated in tutorial classes, lectures or seminars. The student will NOT earn any ECTS Credits.

1. File an application
2. Organize your stay
3. Your arrival
4. Student life and culture
