Bordeaux Montaigne University is part of a consortium of Higher Learning Institutions under the Erasmus+ Program to award internship grants as part of European Finance plans. The consortium is coordinated in France by the University of Lille along with other European universities.
The objectives of this joint effort at the European scale, are:
The internships will be interdisciplinary and will recruit students of different fields:
All useful skills for the implementation of international projects are valued
The project offers:
The EuGen - European Generation association is the intermediary organization as well as the international coordinator for/of the project.
Summary of the actions undertaken by the network to this day:
The national coordinators share good practice, management processes, a common software to manage the applications as well as a database of internship sites.
The first student mobility activities funded by the EuGen project are expected to start in January 2020.
EuGen - European Generation
International coordinator for the project: Giuseppe Dessi
info @
UBM coordination (cooperation-internationale @ u-bordeaux-montaigne)
studentmobility @
Link to the project website: