The December 5, 2023
Mis à jour le December 4, 2023
Amphi B200 – de 10h30 à 12h30
Université Bordeaux Montaigne Esplanade des Antilles - 33600 PESSAC
The intervention here deals with the interest nowadays played by the concept of ‘cosmopolitanism’ in contemporary schools of critical thought through different and interconnected perspectives.
The article reads the network of ‘refuge−cities’ as offered by Jacques Derrida; the cosmopolitanism ‘from below’ indicated by Stuart Hall; the ‘plurality’ of cosmopolitanisms claimed by Gayatri C. Spivak.Herattention then follows what Achille Mbembe calls ‘cosmo—nationality’ and the ‘planetary thinking’ as advocated by the scholar Yuk Hui. The main idea of the lecture develops in the section of the lecture devoted to ‘cosmo−po/ethics’. I will refer to the Conference organized on the theme, in 2010, at the University of Durham, Britain, to then focus on the contribution to the debate signed by the philosopher Denise Ferreira da Silva, and to the performance Migritude by the poet Shailja Patel.
Invitée : Silvana Carotenuto - Université L’Orientale, NaplesSilvana Carotenuto is Ordinary Professor at the University of Naples “L’Orientale” where she teaches Contemporary Literatures in English and directs the Centre for Postcolonial and Gender Studies (CSPG). Her fields of research are deconstruction, écriture feminine, postcolonial and visual studies. Among her recent publications (2023): “La ‘lingua comune’ in Zong! di NourbeSe Philip: svolte traduttive”; (2022); “Il (Libro in) cammino di Jamaica Kincaid nel ‘Paradiso’ reclamato”, Scritture migranti; (2021) “Events of Thought in Chinese Contemporary Female Art”, in Falsework Smalltalk. Political Education, Aesthetics Archives, Recitations of a Future in Common (Some Beloved and Folio Books, Pakistan); 2020; “Here and Now: The ‘Leprosy’ of Nationhood in Sonia Sanchez’Poetics” (reprinted) in Contemporary Literary Criticism, Gale Gale/Cengage Learning; (2019) edition, with F. Gabrielli, R. J. Kirin, S. Prlenda, Disrupting Historicity, Reclaiming the Future, UniorPress, Napoli. She is responsible for the research group M.A.M. and the digital archive “Matriarchivio del Mediterraneo” ( Her book La pupilla di Demetra. La decostruzione e le arti is being published in 2024, Archive Books, Berlin-Milan.