International Staff Member - Bordeaux Montaigne University v1.2

International Staff Member
Erasmus + STT mobility

This mobility activity allows any staff member of higher education institutions with an agreement to Bordeaux Montaigne University to come to Bordeaux to participate in a one to six weeks training.

Please check on our cooperation map in order to know if your establishment is one of our partner countries.

The objectives of this mobility activity are the following:

  • Strengthen and share knowledge and know-how from experiences taken from a higher learning institution abroad;
  • Give an international aspect to one’s professional career;
  • Contribute to the development of international cooperation between higher learning institutions.

The stay in Bordeaux can take different forms: shadowing a colleague, workshops, language classes, etc.

Warning: Participation to seminar or conferences is not eligible.

For more information about how to come to Bordeaux Montaigne University, please contact the International Relation Office at your home university.
