Research teams

ADESS (UMR 5185)

Direction: Denis Retaillé

The team “Planning, Development, Environment, Health, Societies” is placed under the double sponsorship of the CNRS and the University Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3, in partnership with the University of Bordeaux Segalen, the National Superior School of Architecture and Landscapes (l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture et de Paysage), Bordeaux Sciences Agro and the Bordeaux Institute of Technology. L’UMR ADESS is based upon a scientific dynamic which revolves around three centers of research in which mix geographers, urbanists, architects, sociologists, anthropologists, doctors, economists, at the convergence of the domains of Nature, the City and the Body.


Direction: Isabelle Tauzin

This interdisciplinary team brings together Hispanicists, Lusists and Americanists. Key words: medieval and modern Spain; the Golden Age; XVIIth – XXIst centuries; visual arts; cultural history; gender; linguistics; colonial literature; narratology; postmodernism; authority discourse; Judeo-Spanish; intermediality; verediction; translation; interculturality; mobility; violence; Spain; Portugal; Latin America; Caribbean; Venezuela; Peru; Bolivia; Brazil; Paraguay; Southern Cone.


Direction: Valérie Fromentin

The research axes of the Ausonius team are six in number: “Textual Corpuses”, “The Order of the World. Powers, Dynamics, Controls in Antique and Medieval Societies”, “Spaces: Creation, Usages, Representations”, “Technical Gestures, Ritual Gestures, Social Practices”; “Asia Minor and the Eastern Mediterranean: Borders, Exchanges, Conflicts”, “Societies in the Iberian Peninsula. Cultures, Exchanges, Norms, from Protohistory to the End of the Middle Ages”.

CEMMC (EA 2958)

Direction: Michel Figeac

The Centre for the Study of Modern and Contemporary Worlds is structured around three principle lines of research (“European elites of the XVIth-XXth centuries. Models, transfers, singularities”, “Identities and territories of port cities, XVIth-XXth centuries”, “Powers in modern and contemporary worlds”) as well as a transversal theme on the shape and consequences of exchange between France and Central Europe from the XVIIth century to the present and two emerging themes: “The city, space of valorization of products of the terroirs from the XVIth century to the present”, “Women in networks, networks of women”.

François-Georges Pariset Center (EA 538)

Direction: Pascal Bertrand

This center in modern and contemporary Art History is based on the object and historiography: “Object and Décor” (Arachné ANR program on tapestry), “Approach of the object-borders of distant worlds” (Exogenèses ANR program), “University Cultural Patrimony (program supported by the Region), patrimonial collection (moldings, photos) and architecture”; “Art through institutions, market, periodicals and colonial art”).

CLARE (EA 4593)

Direction : Nicole Pelletier

The CLARE team (Cultures Literatures Arts Representations Esthetics) has the mission of practicing specialized and multidisciplinary research (French and Latin languages and literatures, fine arts, performing arts, music, English, Italian, neo-Hellenistic, Russian, Germanic, Hispanic and Latin American, Francophone and Arab-Muslim languages and literatures) in the scope of five transversal axes. The team is organized around the domains of the imaginary, arts and esthetics, cultures.

CLIMAS (EA 4196)

Direction : Nathalie Jaëck

The CLIMAS (Cultures and Literatures of the Anglophone World) team brings together researchers in British and American studies: the domains of study are the literature and civilization of the Anglophone world, but also translation, linguistics and didactics. A first research axis, “Frontiers of languages, languages of frontiers: boundaries, translations, hybridizations”, situates the research objects from the perspective of writing and its variants. A second axis, “Environment, body, language, narrative”, seeks to clarify the nature of relations between the body, language and narrative, and their interaction with the environment.


Direction : Frédéric Lambert

The CLLE-ERSSàB (Cognition, Speech, Languages, Ergonomics – Research Group in Syntax and Semantics at Bordeaux) team is the Bordeaux branch of the UMR 5263, CCLE ERSS located in Toulouse. The team has for objective the description and theorization of speech and languages in their different components: principally phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics. The languages studied are: French, German, Catalan, Ancient Greek, Japanese, Italian, Nepalese, Indonesian and Polish.

EEE (EA in the process of endorsement)

Direction: Jean-Paul Révauger

The team “Europe, Europeanness, Europeanization” develops research related to the following domains: geographic patrimony; geosites; education in patrimony; language policies; cultural and educational dynamics; Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; minorities in Great Britain; the Slavic world; rediscovery of Russian social and philosophical thought; Serbian culture; comparisons between the European higher education systems; Europe in relation to the world; neighboring relations; the Near East; the Far East; resistance to Europeanization; secularism, social models, immigration management; identities.


Direction: Adrian Cerepi

The team Georessources and Environment develops an integrating and multidisciplinary approach to geosciences in the service of georesources and the environment. Co-sponsored by the Bordeaux Institute of Technology, the mission of the team is the study of “Reservoir sedimentary systems: dynamic, transfer and interactions” around two thematics: “Sedimentary systems and carbonated reservoirs”, “Hydrogeology and environment”.

IKER (UMR 5478)

Direction: Ricardo Etxepare

This team, located in Bayonne and under the supervision of the CNRS, the University Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3 and the UPPA, constitutes the only structure specialized in the domain of Basque Studies in France. The linguistic studies in this laboratory are principally concerned with morphosyntax, semantics, dialectology, the history of language and linguistic ideas, sociolinguistics and language didactics. Literary and textual studies are concerned with the epistemology of literary history, textology, comparative literature and the theatre arts in the Basque field.


Direction: Pierre Guibert

The research activity of the Institute of Research in Archaeometry, thanks to the study of archaeomaterials and their environment, brings an interdisciplinary insight to the modalities of human settlements, the use of resources in ancient societies, the evolution of cultures and techniques, art history. Key words: archaeometry, archaeomaterials, luminescence dating, archaeomagnetic dating, history of medieval art, archaeometallurgy, ceramology, pigments and colours, lithic materials.

LAM (UMR 5115)

Direction: Céline Thiriot

The team “Africas in the World” – UMR CNRS Sciences PO (Political Sciences) Bordeaux – is also affiliated with the University Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3 and the UPPA, composing an important research and teaching centre, multidisciplinary and interuniversity, concerned with Africas in the world. It is an empirical space of historical scientific pertinence in its relations, complex and multifaceted, with globalization, studied according to 3 transversal axes: Governance, Institutions, Representations; Conflicts, Territories, Development; Culture, Identifications, Creation.

MICA (EA 4426)

Direction: Valérie Carayol

The team “Mediation, Information, Communication, Art” develops a collective reflection on the “Mutations of mediations in a digital and global era” and coordinates a collective project concerning the Digital Humanities bringing together 9 laboratories in Aquitaine. MICA is structured around four research axes: “Medias”; “Communication, Organization and Societies”, “Information and Knowledge”, “Art, Scenography and Design: Figures of Urbanity”.

SPH (EA 4574)

Direction: Valéry Laurand

The team “Sciences, Philosophy, Humanities” is co-sponsored by the Universities Bordeaux 1 and Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3. It is connected to the Faculty of biology of the University of Bordeaux 1 and to the Faculty of humanities of the University Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3. Its research revolves essentially around the relations between nature and norms: the nature of norms; epistemology: natural sciences and human sciences; politics and historicity of norms.

TELEM (EA 4195)

Direction: Martine Job

The programs of the team “Texts, Literatures: Writings and Models” relate to the manner in which different fields of knowledge are involved in the literary text, which affects them in return; to the relations between literature and affects; to translations, rewritings and generic transfers; to the various publishing media. They focus on literature in French (from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment; modern and contemporary), comparative literature, Occitan literature, literature of the Far East. Text. Literatures. Translations. Languages. Rewritings. Transgeneric tendencies. Models. Publications.
